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What happened when Vivek Oberoi jumped into the middle Of Aishwarya Rai & Salman Khan's love story

 Aishwarya Rai & Salman Khan's love story: What happened when Vivek Oberoi jumped into the middle

After the Chalte Chalte fiasco in 2002 & the aftermath, Aishwarya Rai & Salman Khan  2-year-long affair was breathing its last. Salman Khan had further issues to concentrate on as well in the next year apart from the fact that Aishwarya Rai has deserted him.

In 2003, while Salman Khan was battling the argue of the hit-& -run incident, the press was abuzz with sightings of Aishwarya Rai & Vivek Oberoi together at various events. Even though Aishwarya Rai never admitted to a relationship with him, it was civic knowledge that they were dating.
 Vivek Oberoi  on the other hand was fraught to make the relationship public, which he ultimately did but after Aishwarya Rai dumped him as well. Vivek  Oberoi  would smile guiltily when asked about Aish, hinting at a relationship between them. It was clear that he was completely obsessed by Aishwarya & the fact that he is dating Salman’s ex girlfriend. 

When the pleasure got better of Vivek Oberoi, he did what no actor has still done earlier than - Point a direct inform on on Salman Khan at a press conference. & the over sure actor did not stop at that! He even challenged him for struggle!

Here is a how Vivek Oberoi managed to spoil his flourishing career because of Salman Khan & Aishwarya Rai

The recognized press conference and the famous 41 missed calls: Vivek Oberoi levelled all sorts of allegations against Salman Khan  at a press conference. He said that Salman endangered to bash him up in public & kill him. Under the full look fiercely of the media, Vivek went on saying how Salman Khan called him 41 times to pressure him. Stating that he has Aishwarya's support, Vivek called Salman all kinds of names, including calling him an aging, irritated & out of work actor. He candidly challenged Salman to a battle.

Salman Khan's take: Salman stayed quiet on the whole issue & made no statement in the public regarding anything.

What happened when Vivek Oberoi jumped into the middle Of Aishwarya Rai & Salman Khan's love story What happened when Vivek Oberoi jumped into the middle Of Aishwarya Rai & Salman Khan's love story Reviewed by bollywood news on 10:51:00 Rating: 5

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