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We Bet You Missed! One Major Detail From The Asin & Rahul Sharma Wedding!

One Major Detail From The Asin & Rahul Sharma Wedding We Bet You Missed!

Asin & Rahul Sharma have been making headlines the past little days thanks to their wedding functions, & everyone’s talking about her engagement ring, how cute they looked together, & how gorgeous she was at the wedding. Though, there’s one less-talked about detail from their marriage that’s actually super cute & thoughtful!
                                                            Asin and Rahul Sharma 

Yup, Rahul’s sherwani buttons at both the Delhi Hindu wedding & the Mumbai reception were tradition-made by designer Raghuvendra Rathore to showcase Asin & Rahul’s ‘AR’ wedding logo!
                                                  Asin and Rahul Sharma’s wedding reception
We Bet You Missed! One Major Detail From The Asin & Rahul Sharma Wedding!  We Bet You Missed! One Major Detail From The Asin & Rahul Sharma Wedding! Reviewed by bollywood news on 10:31:00 Rating: 5

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