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“My Break Up Was Like The End Of The World For Me!” – Says Aditya Roy Kapur

“My Break Up Was Like The End Of The World For Me!” – Says Aditya Roy Kapur

I truly wish Aditya Roy Kapur was on social media! He just seems like a really fun man to stalk and with him on the social media, it would be easier to stay track of his life as such little is known a propos it. In a recent meeting to a tabloid, Aditya Roy Kapoor opened up about his first break-up.

Aditya said:

My first break-up happened when I was in standard 9th. I keep in mind being extremely lost and for me it was like the end of the world & I will never find another girl. Then I think after I passed my exams, I was okay. My first date was when I was in school. I memorize I took her out & we had sandwiches because I didn’t have any cash but it was fun.

“My Break Up Was Like The End Of The World For Me!” – Says Aditya Roy Kapur “My Break Up Was Like The End Of The World For Me!” – Says Aditya Roy Kapur Reviewed by bollywood news on 08:42:00 Rating: 5

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