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Ishqbaaz 11th August 2016 Written Episode

#Ishqbaaz 11th August 2016 Written Episode <3

Shivaye says you gave me many names, I named myself today, SSO, Stupid Singh Oberoi, I misbehaved but did not apologize to you, I m sorry. Anika gets a huge surprise. Some time before, Tia goes to meet that guy. Shivaye comes there and says Tia.

She gets tensed and says you here. He asks what are you doing here. She says I was going home, you are busy, I thought to go home and send you positive vibes. He says dinner date was cancelled because of me, give me some time, we will have late dinner. She says no, I have to chant at home, we will dinner later, we will plan in morning, you look stressed, go and get some sleep. He says okay. Anika got late and worries for Sahil. She says I won’t get any rickshaw now and thinks to take lift from Tia. She sees the intruder in Tia’s car and says Tia does not know about him, there is no security, her life is in risk, if I call Shivaye, he will ask many questions, I have to do something. She runs infront of the car and stops Tia.

Tia asks are you mad Anika, what are you doing. Anika asks her to come out. Tia asks why. Anika thinks I m saving your life mad girl, if I say anything, the man will know I have seen him. She says your tyre got punctured. Tia comes out. Anika says don’t worry, there is someone in your car, I have Chameli, my slipper, just open the door. Tia thinks game over, now I will be caught. Tia worries and opens the car door. Anika does not see anyone. She sees just shopping bags and says where did he go. Tia says that’s shopping bag, no one can hide in that.

Tia sees the guy hiding outside. She says I told you there is no one, I think you got affected by whatever happened at home, I would have known if someone was there in my car. Anika says but I have seen someone. Tia says trust me, anyways shall I give you a lift. Anika says no, you leave, good night. Tia signs the guy and leaves. Anika says my mind is not working.

She gets a black glove there and says it means I have seen right, there was someone, maybe he has run away when I was talking to Tia, it means Tia’s life is still in danger. Its morning, Shivaye asks Tej how did security breach occur, despite taking so many measures. Tej says don’t worry, I called Shwetlana here. Shivaye says you know Om does not like her. Tej says she is getting some security plans, she works for me, don’t teach me how to manage, I m the head/CEO of Oberoi business. Shivaye says I m Om’s brother, ask Shwetlana to just see her work and not interfere in family matters, else I won’t take it. Shwetlana comes and asks Tej did she come at wrong time. Tej says no, you have to fix this security issues. She says I could not sleep all night being worried, can I do this staying outside, I need to come inside house. Tej says don’t worry, no one will stop you. Shivaye asks her to just do her work and goes. She tells Tej that she will get all brief from security chief and goes. Shivaye goes to Dadi. Dadi talks to staff. Shivaye asks her will she work in this age. She says you mean I m old. He says no, you are young and should enjoy. Anika asks Sahil to have breakfast. Sahil says you saved Shivaye and Tia, you are superman. She asks do you mean I m man. He asks her to understand feelings, she is brave and should get award. She smiles.

Dadi says I will go your marriage in a grand way, I have many things to do. He says marriage will happen within a month. Anika tells Sahil that Shivaye is always fighting, and gets annoyed for everything. Sahil asks her to annoy him more, sing for him. Shivaye says my focus is on security. Dadi says I want to see your bride soon. He says no one can win over you and hugs you. Sahil sings. Anika says I would have not left him, everyone is sweet in that house. Sahil says just SSO is cruel. She says I will make him say sorry and thanks, else change my name. At Oberoi mansion, Shivaye stops Anika and shows the board I m Sorry Anika. She gets surprised. He says you gave me many names, stone singh oberoi, calculator singh, bagad billa, I don’t know what that means, I kept a new name for me, SSO, Stupid singh oberoi, you are very pure, gentle, beautiful, compassionate, virtuous…. She says wait, just say words what I understand, like beautiful, lovely, pretty. He says yes, I could not identify you, you are so beautiful, lovely, understanding, you saved me and Tia’s lives, I could not thank you. She smiles and says enough…. You get nervous right. He says I misbehaved with you, I did not apologize, forgive me. She asks what did you say. He says I m sorry. She cups her mouth. He says sorry, I will never trouble you. She smiles and can’t believe it. Shivaye says I will keep names for my watch, mobile, laptop, wallet, like you do, even of my chopper, I mean helicopter, its helicopter ofcourse. She says am I dreaming. Sahil calls her out. She says stop it. She asks Shivaye what was he saying. Shivaye says your dream is going to break. Sahil asks what happened and pulls her hand. Anika says it did not happen, but it will happen soon. She goes. She reaches Oberoi mansion. Shivaye stops her. She smiles and thinks that day came when he will thank me. She turns and does not see him. She says I m dying to hear thank you, so my ears are ringing. She gets Sahil’s call and asks what your he-man toy’s battery got dead, what will you do of body now, if there is no life. Om and Rudra hear her. Rudra says she is so dangerous. She ends call and asks Om and Rudra did they hear anything. Rudra says no, we did not even see anything, we love our lives. Rudra hides behind Om. Anika asks what happened Rudra, whats your problem. Rudra says you are like my sister, you won’t do anything to me, I made body by much hardwork, don’t do anything. She says I was talking to my brother, his toy broke. Om asks Rudra did he understand the confusion now. She tells them that Tia’s life is in danger. Rudra says Lady Baba/Tia is not so irritating that she gets murdered. Anika asks where is Shivaye, I have to settle old scores. Rudra says she means she wants to kill him. Om asks any imp work. Anika says matter got long, I will end the matter today. Rudra acts ill. She says first I will make Shivaye fine, then you. Rudra says no, I m fine. She asks where is Billu ji. Om says don’t know. She says I will find myself and goes. Rudra says Shivaye is in danger. Om asks what do you think. Rudra says I thought love is in air, but its something else. Om says its not like that, but something denfitely, come. Shivaye says you mean there was intruder in Tia’s car. She says Tia would have gone if I did not save her. He asks whats this language. She says if our envelopes did not get changed, you would have gone, I saved you, I did many favors. He says I can’t believe this, you want credit to save Tia, intruder got inside the house because of you, I blame you. Precap: Pinky tells Shwetlana that Tej and Jhanvi are getting close, they have having coffee without you. Ishana and Om meet. Om says I did not think once that the one I find genuine can do this. Ishana thinks I m gone now, Bela and Mala’s truth is out.

Credit :  Written Update by Amena
Ishqbaaz 11th August 2016 Written Episode Ishqbaaz 11th August 2016 Written Episode Reviewed by Unknown on 10:27:00 Rating: 5

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